How to Get Started With Making a Will

A will is one of the most important documents that you can make throughout your life. It can ensure that your assets go to the most important people and organisations in your life on your death and that your wishes are adhered to. However, although you might recognise its importance, you might not know how to get started with creating a will. As such, here are some of the most important steps that you can take to make a will in 2024. 

1.    Create a List of Beneficiaries

The first step that you should take is to work out who you want to give your assets and money to. By writing this list down, you will be ensuring that it is exhaustive and that you have not missed anything or anyone out.

This is also important as this information will form the basis of your will and any solicitor will need to know these details when they are finalising your document. This means that you should think carefully about who is dependent on you, who deserves your assets, and who you would like to give a gift to and remember in your will. You should also think about whether you need to create a trust for any young people in your will. You should also take into consideration that your spouse and dependents can contest your will if they have not been suitably provided for within it. 

It is also vital that you write down details for your funeral service, as well as who you want the executors of your will to be. These should be trusted individuals who you believe will carry out your wishes with minimal fuss. 

2.    Find a Free Will Writing Service

If you are struggling to create a will on your own using a will writing kit, you should consider looking around for a free will-writing service that will allow you to hone your will and ensure that it meets legal requirements. By doing this, you will be ensuring that you are not going to put your will off and that it will get completed by your death. However, you should make sure that this will-writing service is reputable and that it has your best interests at heart. For instance, if you have cancer, it is important to know that Macmillan offer a free will service. This will ensure that you do not feel completely alone when it comes to writing your will. 

3.    Hire a Solicitor 

However, if you are not eligible for a free will-writing service or you have a particularly complicated will, you should make sure that you have a solicitor on hand. They will be able to check that your will is legally binding and that it is easily accessible after your death. When you are looking for a solicitor, you should make sure that they have a lot of will and probate experience under their belt and you might consider getting recommendations from others who have also written their wills. This will allow you to relax knowing that you are in safe hands when it comes to your will. 

Georgina Monk

Since leaving university with an English and Creative Writing degree, Georgina has worked as a freelance copywriter, writing articles on everything from business technology to charitable giving. As well as running her own blog and performing in and writing plays, some of which have been staged in local theatres, she also volunteers at historical houses and enjoys watersports and getting out into nature.

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