Arriving passengers will now have to pay a £25 charge for a coronavirus test.
Inbound travellers will be required to pay the fee for each PCR swab.
It won't apply to children under 12 or people travelling on medical or compassionate grounds.
Category 2 has been reintroduced for places with fewer than 30 cases of Covid 19 per 100,000 of the population.
It applies to south west England, Wales, Jersey, Isle of Man and the Scottish islands.
Most of the UK still requires seven days isolation.
People coming from those places will only have to isolate until they get a first negative result - which could up to take 48 hours.
They'll be retested on day 7.
Passengers transiting through Southampton Airport and Poole or Portsmouth harbours won't have Catergory 3 (7 days isolation) applied to them. An exemption has been made for those key gateways to the Bailiwick.
The Civil Contingencies Authority is holding a press conference at 1pm which you can hear live on Island FM.