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CI Seal Pups Recovering Well

Seal pups rescued from the waters off the Channel Islands are being cared for by Guernsey's Animal Shelter.

Recently, ‘Emilia’ who was found off Castle Cornet, joined 'Shakespeare', 'Luna C' and 'Auora' in the GSPCA's care.

The local animal welfare charity has rescued and released 23 grey seal pups back into the wild over the past decade.

GSPCA Manager, Steve Byrne, says the latest pups at the Shelter are responding well to feeding and around the clock care:

"The newest seal pup, rescued next to Castle Cornet, has now been named Emilia.

Shakespeare, who was rescued in Jersey in October, is doing well, and Emilia is also responding well to care and keeping us very busy.

Rough weather causes many wildlife casualties - so when you're around the coast, keep an eye out for poorly animals.”

The GSPCA's newest seal pup 'Emilia'.

He added that the team are 'only one call away' and offers this advice to islanders who find young seal pups:

"The main piece of advice is to not approach them as you can scare their mother away. If you see one, please call us on 257261 and we can make sure they are safe or we can offer advice.

For those out with dogs, please don't let them approach seal pups. This can scare their mothers off. If they were to bite your dog they could cause a nasty injury.

We are busy at the GSPCA ensuring our animals are safe with the high winds and cold weather we have at this time of year."

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