COVID-19 Response Appeal Launched

Offers to support the coronavirus response leads to establishment of new appeal.

The States of Guernsey has been approached by a number of individuals, companies and organisations asking if they can make donations to various aspects of the government’s coronavirus response.

This includes requests to contribute to support for frontline workers, medical equipment including PPE and the hardship schemes which were set up to provide financial support to those individuals and businesses facing difficulties because of the economic impact of the coronavirus crisis.

In light of these offers, the States of Guernsey is setting up the new COVID-19 Response Appeal to provide a central point where donations of this kind can be made. This appeal will receive donations and direct them to any area of the public sector’s core coronavirus response where there is the greatest need at any point in time, whether that’s frontline services such as health and social care or supporting those facing economic hardship.

Deputy Gavin St Pier, Chair of the Civil Contingencies Authority said: ‘We’ve been touched by the approaches we’ve had from people who want to make a contribution, very much in the spirit of ‘Guernsey Together’. The States cannot be reliant on such donations for the funding of key public services even in this extraordinary time and for this extraordinary reason, but they certainly are very welcome.

'The reality is the financial impact of this pandemic is something that was clearly never envisaged in the Budget and is already putting big demands on public finances. Given the challenges we all now share as a community, we would be very happy for those who want to make a financial contribution to our frontline services and to their fellow Islanders, to do so through this appeal.’

Donations can be made by online transfer to:
Bank Account name: States of Guernsey COVID-19 Response Appeal
Sort Code: 60 09 20
Bank Account Number: 74070487

Or by phoning 721239 and donating by debit / credit card (will be manned between 0830 and 1500 on working days).

Donations can also be sent by cheque, made out to ‘States of Guernsey COVID-19 Response Appeal’ and addressed to: COVID-19 Response Appeal, c/o Corporate Customer Services, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charotterie, St Peter Port, GY1 1FH.

Details of these payment methods are included on

There are other options for those wanting to make donations supporting their community, including the recently launched COVID-19 Community Charity Appeal, coordinated by the Social Investment Fund, which directs funding to charities providing services that assist in the Island’s coronavirus response, as well as charities providing important services whose normal funding has been impacted by the pandemic and the necessary public health restrictions currently in place.

Details of the Social Investment Fund appeal can be also be found here:

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