There are now 85 known active cases of Covid-19 in the Bailiwick.
For the third day running, just two new cases have been found.
23 people have recovered in the past day.
Two patients with the infection are currently in hospital.
Fewer people are presenting at hospital and GPs with respiratory symptoms.
Dr Nicola Brink says trends are 'moving in the right direction' but that we need to 'keep our guard up'.
Guernsey is due to move to Stage 1 of its exit from lockdown on Monday - allowing two households to form a 'bubble', gatherings of up to 5 people outdoors, takeaways to resume deliveries and certain small non-public facing businesses to go back to work.
The beginning of the easing of restrictions has been confirmed at Friday's States of Guernsey Covid-19 press conference.
19,284 doses of a Covid-19 vaccine have been administered in the Bailiwick (up to 14 February)
Of those, 13,950 were first doses and 5,334 were second doses.
Surveys will be sent to everyone who has had coronavirus in June to see if they are still experiencing symptoms and suffering from what is known as 'Long Covid'.
Dr Brink is encouraging anyone who is feeling the effects of the virus to see their doctor, to make sure there are no other medical reasons for them feeling unwell.
The CCA has confirmed that schools will not reopen in Stage 1 of the lockdown exit. Pupils are set to return in stages over one or two weeks in Stage 2. No timescale has been announced for an onward move to Stage 2.
From next week, the CCA will move to two media briefings a week, on Wednesdays and Fridays at 1pm.