35 more people have diagnosed with Covid-19, taking the number of known active cases in Guernsey to 142.
One person with the infection is in hospital, but were admitted for another health reason.
411 people are awaiting their test result.
The States of Guernsey has confirmed that schools, colleges and nurseries will remain closed to all students on Monday 1 February.
It follows confirmation of 39 coronavirus cases linked to 11 educational settings.
A further update is expected at the next press conference, which will take place at 12.30 on Monday.
The CCA says it wants a robust testing system in place to support any reopening to the most vulnerable and the children of essential workers.
"When settings are reopened, the focus will be on facilitating the children of the most essential workers and the most vulnerable in order to help free up workers in the community who are key to the response to coronavirus." - States of Guernsey.
That could mean that the definitions of 'essential workers' are reviewed to limit numbers.
Meanwhile, Guernsey Border Agency officers have made 407 calls and checks on inbound passengers in self isolation in the past week.
412 travellers are currently in quarantine.
In total, officers have made more than 11,200 and more than 7,300 visits during the pandemic.
Anyone who suspects someone is flouting self-isolation rules should report it to JESCC and not via social media.
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