Around 120 ten hour parking spaces will be opened up on the East Arm of St Peter Port harbour this week.
The area has been used as a drive-in Covid-19 testing site for much of the pandemic. Parking was suspended.
The States say the tent will remain there for a while, but the long term parking spaces will be reinstated on Wednesday (23 February).
40 temporary ten hour spaces created at the North Beach will revert to three hour slots.
Last week, Guernsey became the first place in the British Isles to remove legal powers imposed for the pandemic, including all border controls and mandatory self-isolation.
"With the decision to end border testing, the focus has turned to the welcome news that some arrangements can return to those that existed pre-pandemic.
In the case of the East Arm, the States of Guernsey can return approximately 120 long-term parking spaces from Wednesday 23rd February, which will be positive news for many people working in Town. The testing tent will however remain in place for the time being as a contingency measure.
In addition, the balance of long- and short-term parking at North Beach can be returned to normal which will be of benefit to retail and hospitality sectors.” - Richard Evans, Programme Director, Covid 19 Response.