Guernsey Water launches survey to understand Islanders’ flushing behaviour
Guernsey Water has issued an online customer questionnaire which seeks to understand local habits when it comes to flushing the toilet.
The initiative is part of a year-long public awareness campaign to be launched by the utility company this year designed to provide guidance on what should be disposed of down drains and the correct ways to get rid of wet wipes, cooking oils and grease.
Phil Marquis, Guernsey Water’s Customer Service Manager, said there is a serious message behind this initiative:
‘A questionnaire on flushing may, perhaps, be viewed by some as amusing, but we want to understand islanders current awareness of this issue in order for us to better raise awareness of the implications of flushing the wrong items down the drain. The improper disposal of grease, wet wipes, and other rubbish can lead to blockages on both private and public drains, leading to sewer backups, potential for flooding and costly damage to the Island’s wastewater system.
‘Also, with so many people currently working from home during the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, it is an opportune time to talk to as many of our customers as possible and gauge their thoughts.’
The online survey, which is anonymous, is being sent to 1,000 customers and asks questions on the disposal of wet wipes, nappies and nappy liners, sanitary products and the reasons for doing so. It can be completed here: www.water.gg/flush or is available on Guernsey Water’s Facebook page.