The results of a Guernsey Business Sustainability Survey have now been released.
It seems that our island is not immune to the effects global climate change, with 50% of local businesses reporting issues from it. 44% of businesses have now appointed a sustainability champion.
Two people within the survey still do no believe in climate change.
Rollo de Saumarez, Co-Lead of the Sustainable Business Initiative, released the following information:
“We at Sustainable Business Initiative have identified three key steps to tackling the issue:
- Decide to act – you can’t solve a problem you don’t admit you have
- Appoint a champion – nothing will get done unless someone has responsibility
- Apply an environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework – if it’s not measured, you can’t mitigate it.”
“Only 28% of businesses have undertaken an ESG Framework, this has got to be a priority.”