People who work in Guernsey on a licence and find themselves out of a job due to the lockdown will be able to lawfully stay here.
The Committee for Home Affairs has changed the population management regime to reflect the pandemic's impact on some businesses.
People working on a licence who find themselves out of a job would ordinarily have to leave. However, Home Affairs says it recognises that their skills in a wide range of areas can help the Bailiwick.
Home Affairs President Deputy Rob Prow says when changes were made to the population management regime last year the committee recognised the importance of working with the business community as it recovered from the financial effects of covid-19.
“As we go into a second lockdown the Committee recognises it is critical that there is maximum flexibility so individuals, regardless of their employment status, can do the jobs that need to be done to support the community at this difficult time. We are committed to continue working with the business community through this difficult time and as restrictions ease to understand how the population management regime might support recovery.”
The Committee will publish further guidance for employees who hold work permits, but asks anyone whose working or living arrangements have changed to get in touch.
You can email population@gov.gg with your change of circumstances.