New safety regulations will shut Ruette de la Tourelle to vehicles so they can't interfere with the Instrument Landing System.
Updated international air safety regulations recommend that no vehicles higher than around eight feet should be near an Instrument Landing System (ILS), to make sure its signal can operate without obstruction.
ILS guides aircraft in to land at night or in poor visibility, something there has been a lot of recently.
Matthew Capazario, head of Airside Operations says it is essential to safeguard ILS from any interference: "As such there are protected areas around ILS equipment and recent changes to international aviation regulations require these protected areas to be increased."
As a result, the States have decided to close Ruette de la Tourelle to vehicles from Monday 11 March, but walkers and cyclists will be able to use it freely.
Picture courtesy of the States of Guernsey
It is the narrow, single vehicle lane off the main Plaisance Road that cuts past the end of the runway and links with the road Route de la Tourelle, that ends up at The Farmhouse.
There were two options. Put in metal height barriers that look like goal posts to stop tall vehicles passing, or close the road.
Environment and Infrastructure vice president Adrian Gabriel explains why the States opted for the latter: "We were concerned about the potential unsightliness and cost of the infrastructure that would have been necessary had we simply implemented a height restriction.
By instead restricting access to those on foot, bike or horse, we can create something similar to a Ruette Tranquille without significantly impacting the journeys of people using cars, vans and HGVs, as there is a better main road alternative very nearby.”
This option is subject to a year long trial and comes into effect on 11 March.