All elective surgery for the coming week has been postponed as Guernsey has gone into a second lockdown.
People due to have operations will be contacted to have the procedure rearranged.
Future weeks will be reviewed on Monday.
Emergency surgery is continuing.
Islanders who have to attend the Emergency Department or other parts of the hospital will be asked to social distance. Staff will be in PPE.
The Medical Specialist Group will switch to virtual appointments where possible.
Brock Ward is 'ready to be mobilised' to a 'hot' Covid-19 ward within an hour if required.
Extra staff have been deployed to the scheduling and swabbing teams to manage an expected increase in their workload.
Visits to care homes and hospital settings have been closed to visitors. End-of-life visits will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
"This is not a decision we have taken lightly. The safety of our community is paramount and these emergency measures reduce any risk to our health and care services whilst we have unexplained community transmission." - Deputy Brouard, HSC President.
Family and friends are being advised to contact hospital wards and care homes for advice about how to maintain contact with loved ones.
"We are recommending the use of both old and new technology to keep in contact. Exchanging letters or cards with your loved ones is still a great way to keep in touch. Both the hospital and care homes can support connection using mobile phones or tablets to enable video and audio calls.
We know how distressing and difficult being apart from your relatives is for everyone. We will be reviewing this decision in line with Public Health guidance on a very regular basis and ask for your patience as we do what we can to protect you and your loved ones." - Dermot Mullin, Director of Hospital and Adult Community Care Services.