Guernsey will move to Stage 2 of its exit from lockdown on Monday 8 March
The Civil Contingencies Authority has confirmed the easing of coronavirus restrictions from next week.
It coincides with the reopening of the island's schools.
Stage 2 will mean four households can form a bubble instead of two.
Social gatherings of up to 20 people will be allowed indoors and 30 outdoors - keeping two metres apart and not in private homes or gardens.
Non-essential retail and some hospitality businesses such as cafes and restaurants will be able to reopen in Stage 2 but with strict measures in place, including for example, a ten person limit at tables, and a requirement that alcohol only be served with food.
"We are not doing anything that we believe will jeopardize the safety of islanders." says Deputy Peter Ferbrache, the Chairman of the Civil Contingencies Authority:
"But of course there are elements of risk. When we move to Stage 2 on Monday, if there are elements that you are unhappy with, don't do them. This just allows people who want to do things to be able to do them. So there is no criticism of either, we just believe that in the interests of Guernsey as a whole, and with regards to the risks we should move to Stage 2."
Deputy Heidi Soulsby expanded on this point saying this is about what you 'can' do now, not what you 'must' do:
"Do what makes you feel comfortable. We're at a stage as we were last year when some think we are moving too quickly and should hold back a bit. We understand that. But we are trying to strike a balance and just like Baby Bear's porridge we get it 'just right.
"With all of these rules we are trying to allow as much normal activity as we can, but we can't take the brakes off entirely yet. That's why we are trying to strive a really difficult balance. We want to look at every area of life - socialising, education, business - and help everyone do as much as they can safely. We also want to ensure that if we see an incidence of the virus spreading in one of these settings, we can keep it under control."
Read more about what Stage 2 restrictions will mean
For the fourth day running, there have been no new cases of Covid-19 in the Bailiwick. Dr Nicola Brink says there have been no diagnoses so far today either.
As of noon, the island is at 12 known active cases of the infection. One person remains in hospital.
"We are in an incredibly encouraging situation. So we've had four days of absolutely no new infections whatsoever, and that is despite testing over 1000 samples each day. So we're testing large numbers and we're not seeing any cases. So that is incredibly encouraging and very good news for us."
Alderney moved to Stage 2 on Tuesday. Sark is due to move to Stage 3 - the end of social distancing - tomorrow (4 March)