'Work to be done' on traffic solution says Deputy Fallaize

Deputy Matt Fallaize

Education, Sport, and Culture respond to criticism of proposed changes to traffic around the new school sites.

The Committee is concerned that the public perceive the recently published Traffic Impact Assessment to be reflective of the final proposals, which it says is not the case.

Deputy Matt Fallaize, President of the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture, said:

‘The Traffic Impact Assessment seeks to inform the planning application process and provide guidance to the Committee as we consider how best to ensure that suitable traffic management systems are in place when the new colleges are fully operational.' 

Since the Traffic Impact Assessment was published there have been many claims based on a misunderstanding that it amounts to the Committee’s final proposals on transport around the new 11-18 colleges. It does not.'

'There is much work to be done and we are committed to listening to concerns raised, particularly by residents living near the sites, and acting on them wherever we can.'

The Traffic Impact Assessment provided analysis and identified specific measures on each site that could help improve access to Victor Hugo College (currently the St Sampson’s site) and de Saumarez College (currently Les Beaucamps site). 

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