Keen animal lover Stephanie Stefani has created the online resource to help islanders learn how best to look after their pets.
The Paws Protection Project has initially launched as a website with tips and links. Its founder, Stephanie Stefani, soon hopes to be able to educate island youngsters about animal care and welfare:
"I hope to go into schools and assemblies and also the Scouts, Brownies, things like that."
Stephanie is a self-confessed animal lover:
"Growing up, I was surrounded by all different sorts of pets like cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, stick insects, fish, you name it. Ten years ago I got my first dog, a German shepherd, and he just changed my life."
More dogs followed and Stephanie now has a pack of three, which sparked the idea for the charity.
"I found that whenever friends or family had animal related questions or wanted tips or advice, they'd come to me and apparently my advice always helped. Children from our neighbourhood would come and knock on my door and pet them (the dogs). They asked great questions and so it was at this point I realised I wanted to do more for animal welfare in Guernsey."
Stephanie's ethos is simple:
"The best way to help animals live their best lives is through the education of their human caretakers. If animal owners understand the Guernsey legislation, and have free access to a wealth of information about how best to care for animals, then surely that helps them better understand and leads to them and the animals having a happy life."
Stephanie says the response to her initiative from other animal charities in Guernsey has been positive.