Anyone who doesn't take the day-13 coronavirus test now has to self-isolate for 21 days.
Guernsey's Civil Contingencies Authority has reviewed the latest evidence relating to a new variant of the infection detected in the UK which is more transmissible.
The CCA says it poses an increased risk to the community.
It has announced new measures which take effect immediately,
Anyone arriving from Category 4 regions and countries, which now includes the UK, has to self-isolate until they receive a negative result from a day 13 test. If they refuse the day 13 test, they will have to self-isolate for 21 days.
Those who choose to self-isolate with someone who has travelled to the Bailiwick will also need to adhere to the same requirement for testing on day 13 or self-isolating for 21 days, even if they did not themselves travel.
Chair of the Civil Contingencies Authority, Deputy Peter Ferbrache, said the island must stay vigilant.
“Our border restrictions have proven extremely effective to date in allowing us to stay in control of the virus and avoid the need for any on-island restrictions. But we must continue to be vigilant to any change in the nature of the threat posed by the coronavirus.
"This new strain appears to be significant change and one that requires stricter measures to ensure we are detecting and managing any cases that arrive through travel into the Bailiwick.”
The changes apply to all islanders currently in self-isolation who have not reached Day 13. Any breach of the Bailiwick’s self-isolation rules can result in a fine of up to £10,000.
Dr Nicola Brink, Director of Public Health, explains the importance of following the guidelines.
"We’re still learning more about the new variant, but the evidence so far is enough that we know it needs to be taken seriously.
"Even one case brought into the Bailiwick that isn’t detected could pose a risk, and these new rules will help ensure we don’t find ourselves in that situation. Now more than ever we also really need people to follow the self-isolation rules to the letter.
"If you’re self-isolating in the same household as others who are not self-isolating you must follow the guidance on gov.gg/coronavirus and ensure you do not mix, and that you very carefully manage things like shared toilet facilities to avoid any possible spread of the virus.
"It is not acceptable to cut corners or come up with your own ‘workarounds’, this will only put you and others at risk, I cannot stress the importance of this enough.”
The most recent list of Category 4 countries can be found at https://covid19.gov.gg/guidance/travel/countries