The Bailiwick is to enter phase 5 of its exit strategy from lock-down it was announced today (11 June 2020)
There were loud cheers all over the Bailiwick this lunchtime as Deputy Heidi Soulsby announced that we would be entering Phase 5 of our exit from lock-down next Saturday.(20 June)
As we enter the next stage of the strategy many restrictions on public gatherings and social distancing are to be removed. Speaking at the weekly media briefing Deputy Soulsby said that life would feel like it did before lock-down to many people and we would be within a Bailiwick bubble.
We will no longer need to queue to get into shops, all businesses can operate, nightclubs can open and we can chat to mates while enjoying a beer standing at the bar.
Sports fans will be able to enjoy contact sports once again and all children's play areas will reopen.
Deputy Soulsby said that earlier this year she had to explain to islanders what 'lock-down' meant: "Staying at home, closing non-essential shops and services and stopping public gatherings. I told you that you could only leave your home for four basic reasons; shopping for basic necessities, up to two hours exercise a day, a medical need or travelling to and from work but only where this could not be done from home.
"I also told you that you had to keep two metres apart from anyone as you did so.The sheer enormity of the decisions we had made earlier in the day struck home with me that evening and is something I will never forget. I took no pleasure in having to do it."
Deputy Gavin St Pier, Dr Nicola Brink and Chief Inspector Ruari Hardy congratulated and thanked islanders for their attitude and spirit of community without which, entering Phase 5 would have been impossible.
The Chair of the Civil Contingencies Authority also announced that the organisers of a planned protest for Black Lives Matter which was due to take place on Saturday (13 June 2020) have agreed to hold the event on Saturday 20 June instead.