100 different jobs are on show at Fort Regent in the fourth annual Skills Show.
Thousands of students will be heading there to see the range of careers on offer in Jersey.
There will be advice on how to get into various industries.
The event has doubled in size since it began four years, replacing the traditional Careers Fair:
“Instead of having the good old-fashioned Career’s Fair, where you came up and had a chat to a man in a shirt and tie and took away a leaflet you can have a go at something they do in that industry. You can have a go at dry-lining, you can take a dog’s heartbeat, you can try and hack a computer. You actually physically get to do something, and use the skills that are used in that industry.” – Stuart Penn, Skills Jersey
Sectors represented include agriculture, finance, business, hospitality, hairdressing, law, childcare, sport, music, the armed forces, the police and the hospital.
The show is open to the public from 10am to 6.30pm.
More than 3,000 children will be visiting with their school.