More than 1,000 Christmas presents have been donated to vulnerable children and young people in Jersey.
The collection of toys and gifts was organised by Cheyenne O'Connor.
She usually organises a family-fun day to raise money for island charities, but it couldn't go ahead this year because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Cheyenne set up an Amazon wish-list instead, so that islanders could donate presents.
She has spent the past few weeks wrapping more than 500 gifts, sorted by age, and has delivered them to the Children's Social Care Service.
They will be handed to youngsters, along with a selection box.
Cheyenne O'Connor (centre) with some of the presents she has presented to Children's Social Care Services.
Cheyenne told Channel 103: "I think it's important to know that every child is going to wake up with at least one gift on Christmas day."
"I want to thank the public who have contributed by ensuring that more than 1,000 gifts were purchased and Mark Owers, Director of Children Services, for ensuring some of the most vulnerable families on the Island will receive the presents this year.”
Mr Owers said: “We are delighted to receive 500 Christmas presents and selection boxes for the children and young people we are supporting. I would like to thank all those who have so kindly donated and to thank Cheyenne for once again, organising the collection to ensure our children have the best possible Christmas."