More than £600,000 of government money is being put into recruiting 100 home care workers.
The new 'Help at Home' funding will pay training salaries, as well as upskilling 50 existing employees.
£621,500 has come from the Fiscal Stimulus Fund, set up to support the island's economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Jersey's Health Minister, Deputy Richard Renouf, says the home care sector is critical for the future health and wellbeing of islanders given our ageing population:
"This investment will see Islanders benefit from an alternative care option over the coming years and decades.
"This includes Islanders who want the option of receiving sustainable and cost-effective care within their homes; hundreds of current and future staff who will benefit from job security in a developing sector; and dozens of local home care organisations that will benefit from business growth."
The scheme will run until March next year.