Asian hornet hunters are expecting to track down even more nests next year, after discovering 82 through 2019.
That's compared to 55 in 2018.
The last one was removed from a tree in Waterworks Valley last Wednesday (4 December) - and it's unlikely any more will be found by the new year because of the poor weather.
"Nothing has really surprised us about the numbers. In some ways the only surprise has been that we didn't have more of them I would say.
"We did expect more towards the 100 number of nests but I think having the 82 nests, what it showed is the methods we are using are controlling Asian hornets, that's the most important thing." - Alistair Christie, Asian-hornet co-ordinator.
Many of the invasive species were found during the summer by islanders using a new app developed to report sightings.
Three-quarters of the nests have been to the east of the island, with a hot spot in St Brelade's too. The north-west has been relatively untouched to this point.
"There's a sense that there are a few nests that we have missed this year. We're going to kick-off the season next year with a targeted, focused, well-organised trapping campaign in a number of areas around Jersey to try and see if we can mop up any Queens that emerge from hibernation and get them before they get to the nest building stage."
The only hornets nests out there at the moment, like wasp nests, will be dead or dying. The only hornets to survive the winter will he hibernating queens that will emerge in the Spring next year to start creating a new nest.
There's also an appeal for more volunteers when the action starts again to make sure control is maintained.