Added protections put in place to stop tenants from being evicted during the coronavirus crisis are about to expire.
It has been illegal to evict or raise rent since the 10 April to ensure islanders aren't left without a home at the height of the pandemic.
However the emergency legislation ends tomorrow (1 October) - so landlords can once again terminate tenancies for rent arrears.
Updated guidance has been published on gov.je to encourage landlords and tenants to reach an agreement on ending a contract to prevent legal action.
"The emergency tenancy legislation was introduced during lockdown to protect tenants from financial hardship and to protect the Island’s health by reducing the number of people being forced to move house.
"The Court has wide powers to rule on tenancy matters, so it’s important that both landlords and tenants know and understand their rights and obligations for ending tenancies, and the correct way to seek an eviction. I would urge anyone who is in rental accommodation, or who is letting private property, to review the guidelines before taking any action, and to bear in mind that further support is always available from Citizens Advice and Environmental Health." - Senator Sam Mezec, Housing Minister.
States members agreed that this piece of emergency legislation could end after the Health Minister said it was no longer required - given that people can now move house and 'should not be facing the same level of financial hardship that they may have been at the start of the Covid-19 outbreak.'
Senator Mezec has previously raised concerns over possible high rent increases after the freeze ends.
The full set of guidelines can be found here.
Anyone who thinks they are being evicted illegally can contact environmentalhealth@gov.je.