More than 800 photos from the JEP archive have gone on display at Jersey Museum.
The new 'Faces and Places' exhibition officially opens today, and we're being asked to help identify people in the pictures - which date back as far as the 1920s.
Louise Downie from Jersey Heritage says many of the images are from the seventies and eighties, and we might recognise a few people:
"We have thousands and thousands of photographs in the JEP collection, but quite often we don't know why they were taken, who they were taken of or what the circumstances were. So we would like people to help us find out."
The display is in the John de Vuelle Gallery on the Museum's ground-floor concourse and is free to look at.
If visitors know anything about an image in one of the albums they can note down its number, fill in a postcard and put it in a box at the entrance. Archivists will add those details onto that photo's record.