Hundreds of children across Jersey have been drawing, painting and making rainbows to lift people's spirits through the pandemic.
They are being displayed in windows, along with messages such as 'stay safe' and 'keep smiling'
They are also being shared on social media by Chase the Rainbow Jersey.
Roisin and Patrick with their rainbows in Trinity
Thomas and Sophia
Nearly 2,000 people have joined the Facebook group in the past few days, as 15,000 children are distance learning at home because the schools are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Theo (7) in St Helier
Oscar and Eliza with their rainbow
Bobby with his home-made sign
The idea mirrors a group in UK created by Alice Aske.
"With everyone social distancing and schools closed keep everyone smiling on their (social distancing) walks by popping a rainbow of any description in your window.
Post a pic of yours here when it’s up and post pics of ones you’ve spotted #chasetherainbowjersey #keepsmiling #eyespyrainbows"
Florence (7)
Felix and Darcy