The Co-op has ditched the plastic from 26 mainly local fruit and veg products.
The retailer is running a trial at the Grand Marche stores.
Chief Operating Officer Mark Cox says they want to see how customers respond to buying unwrapped groceries:
"We're going to run this throughout the summer period, and then take a review come September/October and see whether it has increased demand, making sure that we haven't seen an increase in food waste, and talking to our members about their experience of buying that product."
The supermarket chain has been looking at ways of reducing its single-use plastics, but Mr Cox says it is quite challenging:
"Some of that plastic is actually very good for the product. We wouldn't want to take away plastic from products and see food waste increase considerably, whether that be in-store or once consumers have got it home - so we have had to work hard to understand the implications of what we are doing.
From a local perspective the product isn't travelling the same distances as those being imported from the UK. It is generally fresher, being picked from the fields overnight - so we think this is the right thing to do."