The Community Costs Bonus is staying at £516 this year, and eligible households can now apply.
The annual payment was doubled last year - from £258.25 to £516.50 - to help low income households with the soaring cost of living.
The government says it has opened the 2023 funding earlier than usual 'to help families as soon as possible'. It is usually paid in the autumn.
To qualify, your household must:
• Have one adult who has lived in Jersey for at least five years
• A combined tax bill of less than £2,735 in 2022
• Not be receiving Income Support
More than 4,000 households claimed the money last year.
Applications can be made by visiting gov.je/CCB. Islanders can also apply by calling 444444 or visiting Customer and Local Services at La Motte Street.
Households will need to have filed their 2022 tax returns and received their tax assessment,