Ports of Jersey is urging islanders to let the airport's Air Traffic Control Team know about your fireworks display.
The appeal is being made particularly to people who live near to the airport.
The team is asking that any and all events are declared, including small ones at home.
A map has been produced showing the parts of the island considered high-risk because of the proximity to flight paths.
ATC says it should be notified, because fireworks have the potential to distract pilots and damage aircraft.
Displays with in the yellow zones are within three nautical miles of Jersey Airport or along the flight path.
Richard Mayne, Head of Air Navigation Services, says they don't want to prevent people from enjoying their displays.
"It's useful for us to know where events are being planned so we can maintain the safety of our air crews.
If you’re not sure about your event, please get in touch so that everyone can enjoy the fireworks while also ensuring that those flying through the skies can do so safely."
People can declare their displays here.