Pet owners will have to pay double for a dog licence from next March.
The Constables have agreed the annual fee should rise from £5 to £10, saying it is the first increase in 15 years.
Every dog over six months old needs a licence, except guide dogs.
They can be renewed for the current £5 charge until the end of January.
"We have decided to increase the cost from 1 st March 2020 in order to give dog owners plenty of time to purchase their licence for 2020 at the lower rate.
The delay to March means that those who renew during January will still only pay £5 and those who delay until February will still be charged £10. The cost then increases to £10 from 1 st March 2020 but for those who haven’t renewed, the Centenier can either accept a double payment of £20, or can invite the dog owner to attend a Parish Hall Enquiry and potentially impose a higher fine.
We hope this early notice will prompt owners to renew before the end of January." - Constable Deidre Mezbourian
Further information about dog licences is available on the parish websites