STAC is meeting on Monday 22 March to consider whether the further easing of restrictions could be brought forward.
The next stage is the 12th of April, which includes allowing pubs to serve drinks only with table service.
Currently, alcohol is only allowed with a main meal.
Despite the Health Minister previously warning that more case numbers were likely with restrictions starting to be eased and more people starting to mix again, they have continued to decline.
Three people are currently known to have the virus in Jersey. One of those is in hospital, but for a non-Covid related reason.
Since Thursday 18 March, 1 person has recovered and no new cases have been identified.
— Government of Jersey (@GovJersey) March 19, 2021
The number of active cases in the Island is 3.
3 cases are asymptomatic. 1 is in hospital (-). pic.twitter.com/9DEcjQWz6c
Economic Development Minister Senator Lyndon Farnham says compliance locally has been excellent so far.
"If we continue to work together, I am certain that we can get the internal economy back to normal sooner rather than later.
"With more and more islanders being vaccinated and with our most vulnerable islanders being vaccinated with both doses, we will be keeping a very close eye on which metrics are the best signs of success in our battle against Covid-19.
"We will use this progress to return to normality as soon as we possibly can."
The Deputy Chief Minister has also promised that there will be no cliff-edge when it comes to giving financial support to local businesses.
The government met this morning to discuss how they will be extended, with more details due before the end of this month.