Jersey's government has published further details of what is allowed now that the island has moved to Level 3 of its lockdown exit plan.
The latest easing of restrictions, which took effect at 8am, mean islanders can spend up to six hours outside, meet up with up to five people we don't live with and eat al fresco at cafes and restaurants.
We must still stay two metres apart, work from home if we can, and stay home as much as possible though.
"You MUST remain at home for the remaining eighteen hours. Later in Level 3, if the spread of COVID-19 remains under control, these restrictions on personal movement will be further eased." - Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondre.
Meet-ups can be in our gardens, but visitors mustn't come into our homes.
Ministers have given a press conference to explain their decisions for moving to the so -called 'soft lockdown' stage, which they say is based on the latest expert medical advice that they have received.
The government has published detailed guidance - both for islanders and for businesses.
Large shops can reopen from today, and there's strict advice about how retailers and food outlets should operate. Cafes and restaurants are not allowed to serve just alcohol to customers.
Businesses that are permitted to trade again are being instructed to do so with as few staff as possible.
Bosses should be flexible and consider the risks to staff:
*Consider if any of your staff are vulnerable to serious complications of COVID-19, or live with someone who is extremely vulnerable to serious complications of COVID-19, and how you can help them to return to work with additional mitigation in place where needed and possible. An individual whose age or condition makes them vulnerable to serious complications of COVID-19, and who wishes to return to work, is encouraged to seek medical advice from their GP if there is uncertainty as to how to return to work safely
*If a member of staff has a condition that puts them in the ‘extremely vulnerable’ risk category, they should not return to work
* try to enable staff who care for children to stay at home while schools and nurseries are closed.
Viewing of properties up for sale are permitted again, but estate agent shops must remain closed for now. Outdoor work can increase, in physically distanced groups of six.
Jersey Zoo has the green light to reopen its outdoor areas too. Last week it said it was introducing strict new safety measures. It will reopen to members on Tuesday 12th May.
More smaller shops could reopen from from next Monday.
Economic Development Minister Senator Lyndon Farnham had a message for businesses not presently permitted to reopen:
"... I know that many businesses will not fall into these categories and may feel frustrated that they cannot open just yet. These include Dental surgeries, the Hair and Beauty, and Health and Fitness sectors and smaller non-essential retail premises.
I want to reassure them all that we WILL allow further businesses to open just as soon as safely possible but, as we progress through the levels of the Safe Exit Framework, it is essential that we continue to base our decisions on sound medical advice that states when it is safe and proportionate to do so.
We need the whole economy to recover quickly when we are through the worst of the COVID-19 outbreak. Keeping businesses operational is critical to keeping people in jobs and preserving their livelihoods."
Adding that 'our health and wellbeing are linked to a strong, healthy economy', the Minister said that details would be revealed later this week for Jersey's 'economic recovery'. The Senator will chair an Economic Council..
The Health Minister, Deputy Richard Renouf insisted that the impact of changes to lockdown restrictions will be monitored closely, and reversed if necessary:
"I’m very clear that we WILL NOT rush into moves that could endanger the health of our most vulnerable Islanders.
From last week’s antibody study results, we know that only a small proportion – around three to four per cent – of the population has been infected with COVID-19.
Our PCR testing results show that, across the last week, only two new case of the virus have been recorded.
This shows our success in combating the spread of COVID-19 so far, but also proves that we must be careful when lifting restrictions, to make sure that we avoid a sudden or rapid outbreak of new cases.
....if we find there is a rapid growth in the number of cases, then I am prepared to reimpose stricter measures
to protect Islanders. So please, continue to behave in a responsible and measured way, by following the health guidance. It is there to protect us all."
People who are 'severely vulnerable' are still advised to shield themselves by remaining at home.
People who are vulnerable to illness from COVID-19, which no longer automatically includes the over 65s, are advised to be especially careful when outside the home and follow public health guidelines.
Level 4: Lockdown
Until Sunday 10th May
Physical Distancing: Keep a two metre distance with people outside your home.
Leaving home: You can go out for up to four hours a day - but only for essential shopping, medical care and outdoor activities.
Gatherings: Household + 2. You can spend time outside with your household and up to two other people. Larger groups and going into others' homes are still not allowed.
Education: All schools and colleges remain closed.
Travel: On-island travel allowed, passenger ferries cancelled and flights only running to Southampton for medical/compassionate reasons or essential work.
Hospitality: Restaurants, bars, pubs and hotels have to stay closed.
Leisure: 'Non-essential' venues have to stay closed.
Retail: 'Essential' shops can remain open as long as physical distancing is maintained. 'Non-essential' shops have to stay closed.
Businesses: 'Essential' work is allowed, but employees should be working from home where possible. Up to two people can work and travel together, as long as physical distancing is maintained.
Level 3: Soft Lockdown
Monday 11th May-Thursday 11th June
Physical Distancing: Keep a two metre distance with people outside your home.
Leaving home: Allowed out for up to six hours a day, but we're advised to stay at home as much as possible.
Gatherings: Household + 5. You can spend time outside with your household and up to five other people. Larger groups and going into others' homes are still not allowed.
Education: Schools reopened from Monday 8th June.
Travel: On-island travel allowed, passenger ferries cancelled and flights only running to Southampton for medical/compassionate reasons or essential work.
Hospitality: Restaurants, pubs and hotels that offer outside eating areas can re-open as long as diners can physically distance themselves. Bars and other drinks-only venues have to stay closed.
Leisure: Some outdoor 'non-essential' attractions can re-open, as long as physical distancing can be maintained.
Retail: 'Essential' shops can remain open as long as physical distancing is maintained. 'Non-essential' shops can begin to re-open as long as they adhere to physical distancing rules.
Businesses: Outdoor work can resume, as long as teams have fewer than five people. Businesses can allow some staff to return to offices in a staged way, but employees should be working from home where possible. Work requiring entry to private homes is now allowed under strict guidelines.
Level 2: Soft Opening
Friday 12th June-Friday 7th August
Physical Distancing: Keep a two metre distance with people outside your home.
Leaving home: Limits and restrictions on going out lifted, but we're advised to stay at home as much as possible.
Gatherings: Household + 20. You can spend time outside with your household and up to 20 other people. Larger groups and going into others' homes are still not allowed.
Education: Schools gradually re-opening from Monday 8th June, starting with years 6, 10 and 12.
Travel: On-island travel allowed. Flights and passenger ferries also allowed as soon as travel routes are re-instated by the operators.
Hospitality: Restaurants, pubs and hotels that offer outside eating areas can re-open as long as diners can physically distance themselves. Bars and other drinks-only venues have to stay closed.
Leisure: Libraries, community centres, youth clubs, places of worship, museums, cinemas, theatres and other attractions can re-open as long as physical distancing can be maintained.
Retail: All shops are allowed to open, as long as physical distancing is maintained.
Businesses: Businesses can allow some staff to return to offices in a staged way, but employees should be working from home where possible. Businesses with proof they are able to physically distance can re-open fully.
Level 1: Physical Distancing
From Saturday 8th August until a vaccine is created
Physical Distancing: Keep a one metre distance with people outside your home.
Leaving home: No restrictions on going out, but we need to keep one metre away from others at all times.
Gatherings: Household + 25. You can spend time outside with your household and up to 25 other people. Larger groups are still not allowed, but groups of up to 10 people are now allowed in private homes.
Education: Schools gradually re-opening from Monday 8th June, starting with years 6, 10 and 12.
Travel: All on and off-island travel is allowed, as soon as travel routes are re-instated by the operators.
Hospitality: All pubs, bars and restaurants are able to re-open, as long as physical distancing is maintained. Hotels, B&Bs and other accomodation can also re-open subject to guidelines.
Leisure: Libraries, community centres, youth clubs, places of worship, museums, cinemas, theatres and other attractions can re-open as long as physical distancing can be maintained.
Retail: All shops are allowed to open, as long as physical distancing is maintained.
Businesses: All staff are now able to return to their regular place of work, as long as physical distancing can be maintained.