1600 Iron Age coins and 35 pieces of jewellery found in a field in Jersey in 1957 will soon be on show at La Hougue Bie.
Jersey Heritage has paid £38,000 for part of a hoard known as Le Catillon I that was discovered in Grouville, in the same field as a record-breaking find in 2012.
It was not claimed by the Crown at the time, and was separated and went into private ownership without being recorded.
Jon Carter from Jersey Heritage hopes this acquisition will unlock more secrets of the past:
"We know that at the time all over Europe material like this was buried. The reasons why these hoards were created remains something of a mystery, but now we have taken this into care and, along with the other hoards we have in our collection, that's a great research project to do so we can find out more about what was going on in the Iron Age Channel Islands."
"We're really thrilled after so long, because of the initiative of the vendors, this has come into public collection - where it belongs and where it can be studied by researchers and enjoyed by the public."
The sale was secured through Martel Maides Auctions on behalf of vendors, who wish to remain anonymous.
Jersey Heritage used its Patrons & Benefactors scheme to fund the purchase.
Mr Carter says this case demonstrates the need for modern legislation to protect portable antiquities found in the island.
"That so much time has passed between discovery and acquisition illustrates the need for modern legislation to protect the interests of all involved in archaeology and we welcome that fact that this is something the Government of Jersey is now addressing.”
Emile Guiton from the Société Jersiaise with the finder, 17-year-old Peter Langlois, who came across the hoard in the field after removing a boulder that had clipped his plough. Photo Credit: Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive