The States Assembly has voted to make isolation mandatory for arrivals from 'green' countries or regions until they test negative for coronavirus from Tuesday 13 October instead of Friday 9 October.
Deputy Inna Gardiner wanted it to happen on Friday 9 October following concerns about the recent increase in active case numbers and the situation in which four people who went to the same venue tested positive for Covid-19.
However, that was rejected in favour of the Health Minister's plan to bring in the same rule from Tuesday 13 October.
Deputy Richard Renouf said that would give people sufficient notice and ensure that the testing lab is able to return all coronavirus tests within an average of 12 hours.
The government says that 12-hour test turnaround will be possible consistently from Monday 12 October.
"We have always taken advice from medical, scientific and technical experts and remained consistent with our ‘suppress, contain and shield’ strategy which has kept cases to a minimum in the Island.
"We haven’t hesitated to make changes in response to external developments and this new requirement should give Islanders confidence that we are protecting the community with proportionate measures while minimising inconvenience for Islanders and other people when travelling.
"We now need to focus on the mitigating factors that are helping to reduce the risk of spread. These include public health advice to wear masks when inside in public places, physical distancing of 1m or more where possible and increased hygiene.
"I’d like to thank the public for their cooperation with these measures which protect the wider community. We will continue reviewing the Safer Travel Policy as infection rates change outside the Island, and we will maintain our considered approach to implementing restrictions."
Arrivals from green areas now have to get tests on arrival and on day 5.