Jersey Overseas Aid is sending aid money to charities working to help people living in Africa affected by severe droughts.
The Horn of Africa is enduring a fifth consecutive failed rainy season and one of the most severe droughts in nearly 40 years.
More than 20 million people living in East Africa are struggling with food security, with around 6.5 million children classed as severely malnourished.
Deputy Carolyn Labey, Jersey's Minister for International Development, says the harsh weather is significantly impacting livelihoods.
"Jersey funds will enhance ongoing humanitarian interventions and provide a lifeline to thousands who are at the forefront of this crisis, the scale of which has not been seen in decades.”
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has also heavily impacted world hunger, as both countries are major sources of wheat for countries affected by drought.
Jersey is giving £200,000 to Care International for Dadaab refugee host communities in the Garissa hinterlands in Kenya.
Mwende Kusewa, Care International’s Assistant Country Director- Program, says this is a crucial time for Kenya because without immediate action, a fifth failed harvest is predicted.
"With support from Jersey Overseas Aid, this project will respond to the immediate humanitarian need, providing families with food and essential services, and strengthen community resilience to drought, providing clean water and helping farmers adapt to the changing weather to improve crop production.”
Credit: @unicefsomalia on Twitter
The money will help around 36,000 people with cash transfers, the improvement of water systems, giving out supplements to help with malnutrition and menstrual hygiene kits.
£87,000 has been allocated to the British Red Cross which aids Kenya's National Society in making food more accessible through cash and vouchers, health screenings and supporting basic health services.
The same amount has been given to UNICEF, which will benefit the Humanitarian Action for Children Appeal in Somalia which focuses on helping malnourished children, access to safe water, health interventions, mental and psychological support and education.