Team Jersey placed on the final podium behind hosts Guernsey as the 6 day sporting event came to a close this evening.
The island took home 126 medals, 41 gold, 49 silver and 42 bronze, with more medals to be confirmed.
Guernsey topped the table with 145 all together, beating their tally the last time the games where in the Bailiwick.
Swimming saw the majority of Jersey's podium finishes.
We are a proud sponsor of the Jersey Amateur Swimming Association, who are champions at the Island Games! So far they have won 15 Gold, 12 Silver and 12 Bronze medals. Well done to all swimmers! pic.twitter.com/24wHX4AQuD
— KPMG in the Crown Dependencies (@KPMGCDs) July 14, 2023
The last day of competition saw difficult conditions with heavy rain and strong winds, but that didn't slow down Jersey's John Pallot who clinched on to bronze in the road cycle race on St Peter Port seafront.
Guernsey's Sam Culverwell won the event with an astonishing lead of over 50 seconds.
The tennis finals were held indoors, to escape the windy conditions.
Jersey's Stuart Parker grabbed gold in the tennis singles, while Natasha Forest took silver in the women's singles.
She told Channel 103 a hard game.
"Lauren Watson Steele played really well, I can't take it away from her.
We've played outside all week so it was difficult to adjust, the conditions were worse outside.
My aim at the start of the week was to get a medal in the singles never mind make a final so I'm happy."
Celebrations started this evening (14 July) as the closing ceremony took place at Footes Lane.
The flag has now been handed over to Scottish Island of Orkney, which will host the 20th