Joseph Raymond Lloyd has been found guilty of raping a teenage girl in the Snow Hill car park.
A trial jury at Jersey's Royal Court heard the 64-year-old followed the teenage girl down a street, then led her by the hand to the car park where he kissed her.
Lloyd then took her behind a van where he raped her.
The victim phoned home and the police, who found the man still holding onto the victim's arms when they arrived.
Detective Constable Carla Garnier says the victim is completely traumatised by the events.
"(She) has shown an incredible level of courage and strength
She has been supported by specially trained officers, Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (IDSVAs) and the Intermediary Service throughout the investigation.
The States of Jersey Police continue to work with key partners and advocacy services such as JDAS, the SARC at Dewberry House, JAAR, and the Jersey Women’s Refuge, to encourage victims of sexual crime to report such incidents."
The jury took just under three hours to decide he was guilty of rape and sexual penetration without consent.
Lloyd will be sentenced later this year.
"We are committed to investigating and prosecuting all sexual offenders and we want to assure victims that there are a number of agencies who are in a position to offer support and guidance through all stages of the criminal justice process." - Detective Constable Carla Garnier.
There are several local agencies that offer advice and support:
Jersey Domestic and Sexual Abuse Support (JDAS) offer specialist support and guidance in relation to domestic or sexual abuse incidents. Support is provided before, during and after any police investigation or court hearing. It is also available when police are not involved:
Call: 01534 880505 or email JDAS@gov.je,
The SARC at Dewberry House provide expert independent and confidential support to victims of sexual abuse:
Call: 01534 888222,
Jersey Action Against Rape (JAAR) provide and maintain a supporting framework for survivors and their families:
Call: 01534 482801,
Jersey Women’s Refuge offer help and support for victims of domestic abuse:
Call: 0800 7356836,
Victims First Jersey is a free and independent service offering confidential support to victims and witnesses of crime:
Call: 0800 7351612,
The Safeguarding Partnership Board helps agencies to work together to safeguard children and adults at risk.
Reporting concerns about a child:
Call: 01534 519000,
Concerned about an adult:
Call 01534 444440.