A new safehouse has opened for victims of domestic abuse with more facilities than ever.
Jersey Women's Refuge has spent £130,000 renovating a house for women to go to to escape abusive environments.
Andium Homes has provided the new refuge through the purchase of the building.
The new safehouse has a garden, holistic-healing facilities, rooms which cater to people with disabilities, places for young children to play as well as rooms catering to older teenage boys who are escaping with their mothers.
Lisa Leventhal, CEO of Jersey Women’s Refuge, says the opening of our new safehouse marks a really special time for the charity.
"It is a moment to reflect on the impact the safehouse has had on our community since it opened its doors in 1988, whilst marking a wonderful new start for our staff who can continue to support those who need it in a new space.
Most importantly, it will become a place where women and children can undergo their own fresh start whilst accessing our services."
Lisa Leventhal CEO of JWR with The Bailiff
The charity provides 24-hour support for single women, mothers and their children and women with disabilities to seek help.
It hopes with the opening of the new safehouse it will be able to reach more women in need.
All JWR services will be moved to the safehouse over a transition period, but no interruptions to its services will be made.
At the grand opening, it was also announced that Dr Karen Kyd, the Lieutenant Governor's wife, and The Bailiff, Sit Tim Le Cocq, are the new patrons of the charity.
Dr Karan Kyd and The Bailiff Sir Tim Le Cocq with JWR Founder, Rozelle Sutherland, MBE
Dr Kyd, who has been a GP for many years in Portsmouth, is bringing a deep understanding of the impact of domestic abuse on women and children.
"Domestic violence has a truly devastating impact on lives and families. Jersey Women’s Refuge is a lifeline for those in desperate need and their support, care and ongoing work provides a vital service for Jersey.
I have professionally been involved in this area for many years, so I am honoured to become a co-patron of Jersey Women’s Refuge and to offer my full support for the future."
The need for prevention awareness will fuel and strengthen the work of Jersey Women's Refuge.
The Bailiff, who has an in-depth knowledge of Jersey life and the Royal Court. says he is delighted to become a co-patron of Jersey Women's Refuge.
"It is essential in helping and supporting people who are vulnerable and I know that this new space will allow Jersey Women’s Refuge to continue their excellent work in a dignified and discreet environment.
Individuals who benefit from the work of Jersey Women’s Refuge have suffered significant life events often resulting in mental trauma and scarring.
It is the subsequent response and continued work done by Jersey Women’s Refuge that helps to create safety and provide a brighter and more stable future for those affected."
Sir Time Le Cocq with JWR Founder Rozelle Sutherland, MBE