A new board has been set up to tackle homelessness in the island.
It's part of a review called for by Housing Minister, Senator Sam Mezec, which aims to find out how big a problem it is in Jersey and what can be done to sort it.
The independent Jersey Homelessness Strategic Board has been assembled to gather facts about the issue in the island.
Its Chairman, Simon Burgess, says:
"Over the next twelve months, the Strategic Board will be focusing on reviewing the extent of homelessness in Jersey and the size of the challenge. The Board will then use the findings of the review to develop a strategy for tackling homelessness, including an agreed set of actions that can be taken forward."
Local groups including Andium Homes, Caritas, The Shelter Trust, Jersey Police and the government are all represented on the panel, helping to make sure its findings are representative of homelessness in the island.
The review is expected to be completed and its findings published early next year.