Charlie Parker's contract has finally been published.
Last week the Information Commissioner ruled the States couldn't keep the document secret and had to respond to an FOI request made several months ago.
It reveals the £250,000 a year post - which includes permanent housing qualifications - comes with 31 days holiday.
A large section under the heading 'Termination of Employment' has been blacked out.
The document has been made public on the same day that the States Chief Executive has been given six main aims.
The Chief Minister has signed the list of targets the head of the island's public service needs to pursue in 2019.
There has been heavy criticism that - almost a year into the job - no measurable aims, or so-called 'Key Performance Indicators' had been set for Mr Parker.
Now Senator John Le Fondre has published six strategic objectives:
- delivering One Government and modernising public services
- leading organisational and cultural change
- a stronger focus on customer services.
- developing good relationships with politicians,
- delivering effective financial, performance and business management
- supporting and promoting the economy
We're told a leading business psychologist, Dr John Nicholson, will review his progress..."to gather third-party feedback to supplement performance data, and provide an impartial report on the Chief Executive's performance to the Chief Minister."