The Housing Minister says helping the homeless in Jersey is one of his top missions.
Senator Sam Mézec has revealed that he’s working on a new Homelessness Strategy with other Ministers and charities.
He says people who are struggling need more support.
“As a community in an affluent island, it is not right that people should become homeless without adequate support. We are capable of providing that.
“Homelessness and my encountering of people who have either been homeless or have been facing homelessness have been the most upsetting part of becoming Housing Minister.
“I have had people speak to me who have been incredibly worried because they can see homelessness is on the horizon.”
Senator Mézec made the vow to tackle the issue in his quarterly scrutiny hearing after he was asked what he would do to solve the ‘homeless problem’ in the island.
“We won’t just be looking at those who are at risk of sleeping on the street. Also, those who have accommodation that is so insecure that they do fulfil a definition of homelessness.
“If people are sofa-surfing for example and don’t have secure accommodation.” – Senator Sam Mézec