Plémont lifeguards who were forced into self-isolation last week are now back on patrol.
The Plémont Lifeguards have now returned negative tests and have been given permission to return to work.
"The RNLI lifeguard team in Jersey is pleased to confirm that the lifeguard service on Plémont beach has been reinstated. The service was temporarily withdrawn last week after a number of lifeguards were self-isolating, awaiting test results for Covid-19. These test results have come back negative and the lifeguards have been able to return to work. There are now sufficient lifeguards to provide a full service on Plémont and the other three RNLI lifeguarded beaches in Jersey.
"As well as Plémont, there continues to be a full lifeguard service operating at St Ouens, St Brelades and Grève de Lecq, and the charity’s lifeguards continue to use the appropriate PPE, procedures and infrastructure to protect them and the public from both infection and the normal dangers of the coast. We’d encourage anyone planning on going into the water to head to one of these beaches."
The government said last Friday that there would be no lifeguards on duty at Havre des Pas last weekend either because of a positive Covid-19 case, which meant direct contacts also had to isolate.
There has been no update since.