A £150,000 toucan crossing is now in place on Jersey's Railway Walk.
Three years after it was first suggested, the crossing has been installed on Rue du Pont Marquet in St Brelade.
The Infrastructure Minister signed a Ministerial Decision in April for it to be put in.
Deputy Kevin Lewis said the aim of the crossing was to make the Railway Walk safer and to encourage more people to cycle, walk and run.
Proposed designs were on show last summer. Work had been delayed because of Covid-19.
The £150,000 project has been paid for from the Climate Emergency Fund.
“The Government is committed to improving the safety of our roads for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as making it more inviting to walk or ride a bike as opposed to travelling by car. As part of our Inspiring Active Travel policy, we are not only increasing road safety but also encouraging people to use greener modes of transport. This crossing, along with other projects underway, will help us achieve our goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.” - Deputy Kevin Lewis
The government says the crossing will also ensure that children in St Brelade who walk or cycle to Les Quennevais and Mont Nicolle schools can enjoy a safer route, as part of its Safer Routes to Schools initiative.