Jersey's Town Church will open this evening for islanders to light a candle as emergency services continue to search for survivors in the Haut du Mont rubble.
As reaction continues to pour in, Jersey's Bailiff Sir Tim Le Cocq says he's in shock at what has happened.
"I have spoken to some of the people affected by this, and they were in some cases very upset, but also very appreciative of all that everyone is doing in terms of food and finding new accommodation - - it's an incredible effort, but it's meeting true tragedy for many of our islanders.
The Jersey community response has been quite superb and the help needed has been and is being provided.
Following discussion with Chief Minister and Government officials, I would like to assure islanders that, at this point, all that is needed is available."
Those that have been displaced are being looked after at the Town Hall while temporary accommodation is arranged.
Sir Tim (pictured above at the Town Hall earlier) says that he and the Dean of Jersey, the Very Reverend Mike Keirle have discussed how islanders can reflect.
"The Dean has kindly offered to make the Town Church available and from this evening individuals may light candles for all who have been affected by this incident.
I, along with others, will visit the Town Church this evening to take that opportunity and to hold in our thoughts the families and first responders who have taken part in or been affected by this incident."
The church will open to islanders from 5pm this evening (10 December) with the Bailiff and other politicians arriving from 5.30pm.
St Helier's Constable Simon Crowcroft says that there has been a huge show of support from parishioners.
"St John Ambulance and Andium homes have been here marrying up people with available properties, and lots of helpers have been making sure people are looked after.
Local cafes have been providing bacon rolls and hot drinks, there's a real atmosphere in the Town Hall of care and support and concern for people who have been injured.
People who live in flats are particularly aware of the risk of fire, and so I think there are some people who for whom it will be a traumatic experience in which they'll need help in managing as the days pass."
The rescue mission is continuing with extra support being brought in from the UK as 'pockets of fire' are being found in the wreckage.
That is being investigated, and Jersey Gas says it is 'cooperating fully'.
Mr Smith described the scene as one of 'considerable destruction' adding, 'It is a pretty devastating, I regret to say.'
Jersey General Hospital has now fully reopened, but a 'major incident' remains:
Following this morning’s incident on Pier Rd the Hospital has now fully re-opened but remains on major incident declared status and on standby for any patients relating to the incident. The Emergency Dept can accept emergency attendances but please only come to ED if you need to
— Jersey Gov Health & Community Services (@GovJsyHCS) December 10, 2022
Isle of Man Chief Minister Alfred Cannan has extended his thoughts.
Thoughts with all our friends in Jersey as they deal with this major incident particularly those directly impacted and the emergency services. Let us know if you need any support in the coming days.@GovJersey @Moore4Jersey 🇯🇪 🇮🇲 https://t.co/X16Pans8H5
— Alfred Cannan (@alfredcannan) December 10, 2022
Reaction to the blast, as well as offers of help, have continued to pour in throughout the afternoon.
Our love and thoughts for those affected by the devastating explosion.
— Jersey Cares (@cares_jersey) December 10, 2022
We have gifts we can donate to families and would be pleased to do whatever else we can.
My thoughts are with all those impacted by today’s tragic events in Jersey - and all their friends, family and loved ones. A special thought too for the emergency services and all those assisting in such difficult circumstances. https://t.co/VDrqaaHEpM
— Gavin St Pier 🇬🇬 (@gavinstpier) December 10, 2022
My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the devastating explosion at Pier Road, as well as the emergency services working on the search and rescue operation and those more widely responding. A truly horrific week for Jersey. Our community will respond, we always do
— Lucy Stephenson (@LucyStevoJSY) December 10, 2022
Guernsey ambulance service is on standby to support @JsyAmbulance with a major incident after an explosion in St Hellier. Clinicians have been made available to go to Jersey & Flying Christine III is on standby. Our thoughts are with the people of Jersey at this difficult time. pic.twitter.com/o6pkP1JnVk
— St John Ambulance Guernsey (@stjohngsy) December 10, 2022
A support line has opened for people requiring information about family members affected by the incident. It is freephone 0800 735 55 66