Students who are older than 18 are being enrolled on a new scheme which offers free GP consultations.
Jersey's Social Security Minister, Lyndsay Feltham has launched the programme to ease financial pressures for people who are still in education.
The standard fee for a face-to-face consultation or a remote consultation will be removed for students in the island, visiting a GP, Practice Nurse, Paramedic or Health Care Assistant during normal surgery hours.
It is not available when off-island, out-of-hour services are sought, or for home visits and additional services, including blood, urine and pregnancy tests or referral letters.
Minister for Social Security, Deputy Lyndsay Feltham says she is pleased that we have delivered on this States Assembly commitment.
"Reducing GP fees is a Government priority, helping to ease financial pressures on households."
Those studying at the majority of Jersey's secondary schools, Highlands College and enrolled on the Student Finance scheme.
Other students, including those over the age of 18 who are at Beaulieu, can apply by emailing the Health Benefits Team at CLS, esshealth@gov.je.
Deputy Feltham continues:
"It is important that we continue to improve access to primary care services and expand this to include students."