A 'cross-government working group' has been set up to help make sure vulnerable islanders get the support they need in the event of a no-deal Brexit.
In its own 'worst-case scenario' planning assumptions, Jersey's government says pensioners and islanders on low incomes are likely to be the worse affected - especially by inflation and the amount of food available.
The group has been working with the parishes, local charities and organisations like Citizens Advice to share information on how best to support islanders in need:
"Clear and timely communications will be needed in the event of a No Deal Brexit to provide information and reassurances to islanders, especially those who are vulnerable." -Government of Jersey 'No Deal' Planning Assumptions
The government is working to lay on extra warehouses to keep supplies of non-perishable food and medical supplies in the event ferries aren't able to operate as normal. The Health Department has also arranged to fly in supplies if needed.