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Three Hospital Wards Closed 'Due To Covid-19 Activity'

Visits to three Jersey hospital wards have been suspended because of coronavirus.

The government says they'll be reopened as soon as possible - and there's evidence to suggest that in some cases, Covid has been brought in by visitors with symptoms.

As well as the designated Covid-19 ward, Beauport and Plemont wards in the hospital have been temporarily closed along with Cedar Ward at St Saviour's Hospital.

All other wards remain open.

The government says 51 people with Covid are being treated in Health Department settings. 42 of the 51 are in the General Hospital.

The other nine are in two community wards outside the hospital.

Eight procedures were postponed on Thursday 3 March and one was postponed on Friday 4 March. The government has called them 'non-urgent' - adding they'll be rescheduled as soon as possible.

There have also been some cases of visitors coming in without a mask or not wearing them properly.

"It is really disappointing that people are still choosing to come into Hospital sites with symptoms, or if they just don't feel well. In a small number of cases, visitors have verbally abused staff who are trying to protect our patients. This is simply not acceptable. While we understand the importance of visits, and that having a loved one in hospital can be a worrying time, our first priority is to keep vulnerable patients safe. 

"Although guidance about mask-wearing has relaxed in other areas, which is welcome news for Islanders, we must emphasise that masks must continue to be worn if you are in any of our Hospital sites for any reason; whether visiting a loved one, attending for an appointment, picking up a prescription from the Hospital Pharmacy, or visiting the Emergency Department." - Rose Naylor, Chief Nurse.

The Health Department insists no operating theatres are closed 'due to Covid' - and there are beds for patients who need hospital care.

The hospital was closed to most visitors earlier this year after some visitors came in with Covid symptoms. There were also incidents in January of staff being abused.

Visits were later reinstated after a proposition from Deputy Montfort Tadier, in which he called for a stricter system to make sure hospital visits can take place safely for people who don't have the virus.

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