Twelve allegations of Child Sexual Exploitation have been made in Jersey over the past nine months.
Two young people are currently receiving support.
That has been revealed on CSE Awareness Day, and as a number of events are being held across the island this week to raise awareness of the issue.
They include:
*Assemblies to all Year 9 students by Jersey Police, Jersey Youth Service, Prison! Me! No Way!!, You Matter and Brook.
*An information stall in St Helier on Monday
*An interactive stall at all secondary schools and colleges
*Adverts airing on ITV
*Workshops and sharing videos with young people at youth projects across the island.
The aim is to educate young people, families and professionals on what CSE is, how to spot it and how they can help.
"While young people might often think that they are in a consensual relationship - for example perhaps with an older boyfriend - it can often be manipulative rather than a loving relationship, and of course that still amounts to a child being abused and exploited.
Identified incidents of CSE here in Jersey remain low, but we would be complacent to think that CSE doesn't exist in Jersey because it does, and the best way we can protect young people is by making them and their families better informed." - Detective Superintendent Stewart Gull
The Youth Service has developed a resource pack for schools wanting to run extra sessions and activities to help young people understand more about the issue.
"Through this campaign we aim to reach as many young people as possible with important messages about the risk of CSE and where help and support is available. It is also crucial we inform parents, teachers and the wider public to increase their understanding of the signs of CSE and the action they can take if they are concerned about any young person." - Mark Capern, Jersey Youth Service.
Anyone with concerns should contact MASH on 519000 or the Public Protection Unit at Jersey Police on 612612.
Young people can contact the Youth Enquiry Service at www.yes.je or drop in to the advice centre 12-6pm Monday - Friday, or call 280530.
The Sexual Assault Referral Centre at Dewberry House also provides expert independent and confidential support to victims of sexual abuse on 888222.